Tracy Frost

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Ranger played by Jacob in Infiltrators.

Current Activities

Landed Lord near Luxor, patron of the Frost Guard.

Tracy's Infiltrators Campaign Prelude

After ten years in isolation in Hills of Nimlith, you've roamed their full breadth and even ventured into the peaks of the Ozgarn Mountains to the east, and the misty mossy forest called Darkwood to the north. You've come to know which springs give good water year-round, where to hide from the hunting harpies, the locations of several ancient temples to unknown dead gods, and the best places to hunt wild sheep and goats. On the eve of every spring equinox, you meet and trade stories with a small handful of other hill-dwellers, druids and other rangers. Your mottled gray stallion obeys the slightest twitch of the reigns, and is even tolerant of the tribe of mongrelmen with who you occasionally trade baubles.

Recently, while tracking a foul leucrotta (a massive stag-like creature with the head and bite of a lion), you encountered horse tracks. The depth of the tracks indicated a large – or armored – rider. You decided to investigate and ended up sneaking up on an old acquaintance as he slept in the shade near a remote watering hole.

The grizzled captain of the guard from Luxor, who'd smuggled you out of the city a decade earlier, was on a quest to deliver you a message. The Duke of Luxor needed your help.

The specifics were lacking, but it was clear that the Duke required an unknown, an 'outsider' to investigate a matter of some delicacy. The request was that you proceed immediately to the city of Saint Cuthbert, where the regional Duke would explain further. A week later, you arrived in the large walled city on the coast to discover the next step in your destiny.