Frost Guard

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After a long day of labor....

Lord Tracy Frost, your patron, employer, and mentor, has summoned you to a dinner on the stone deck overlooking the vineyards and the vast blue expanse of Lake Luxor. After a luxurious meal of freshly picked fruit, dark crusty bread, grilled salmon, and strong port wine, Tracy stands up at the head of the table and says,


I've asked you here tonight for reasons that exceed the pleasures of this 
fine meal and drink.

As you know, the House of Frost goes back more than ten generations, and while 
the stature and power of the House has... shall we say, fluctuated... due to the 
treachery of certain other houses and other circumstances beyond our control. 
One house with whom we have no quarrel, and indeed records show with whom we have 
had some mutually beneficial dealings, is the House of Baron Von Mark.

When tragedy and conspiracy befell  the Frost House some years ago, when I was 
but a young lad, the Von Mark house refused to participate in the hysteria, and 
while they did not overtly defend the Frost House, they stayed out of the fray, 
one of the few houses with the stomach to do so.

While I've not met the current  Baron – he took the family seat just a few years 
ago – his sister Vanessa is a friend. This day, I received a note from her.

She says her brother the Baron has gone missing, and she suspects foul play.  
Vanessa is an astute observer with a keen mind and well-centered perspective, 
so I don't take her call for help lightly. I have other pressing matters to attend
to this week, and so I'm asking you to pay Lady Von Mark a visit and find out what's
happened to her brother, the Baron.”

Other random story notes

Dylan McVeigh, slow-talking warrior NPC (assassin?).

Finding the Baron dead in a cave.

Intro of Rago Gravelock as Jacob took over GM...

- Garrett and Brand meet, Urgen shits, Toliver follows around some fancily-clad richies hoping to stumble across treasure
- Sturgen and Winter meet Vannesa and sail across Lake Luxor
- Garrett & Brand pay a kid to reserve dinner and strike a deal between them to work to the same end
- Brand and Toli go to rich side to get Brand a date, Toli picks pockets while Brand gathers gonads
- Toli gives Brand money to buy girls a drink, Sturgen and Wint find Urgen and ask where others are
- Brand swoons girls and takes red head (Trina) to her apt.  to change clothes
- Toli meets Wint and Sturg, they go to Lucid and eat
- Brand eats dinner at Shimmering Silk with Trina and avoids guards, failing to gather intel as to Angelique or the baron
- Brand tells Trina who he seeks and gets address
- Sturgen goes to room, Baddie - one of Larry's, comes in w/ body guards and chases Toli...combat...Run from guards to flop house barn

August 15:

- Breakfast in Lucent, Wint and Sturg visit Garrett and Toli goes to the Leonne bank and finds out about diamond mine and gets depost form
- Toli, Wint, Sturg plan, Toli goes to bank to deposit and get info on Vlad Knossos, Sturg and Wing get Vlad's address from pick pocket
- Toli gets directions to lakeside house of Vlad outside city walls
- Winter and Toli stake out Vlad's, Sturg sleeps, Garrett meets Leonnes for lunch