Niko Arcanian

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Revision as of 11:49, 1 September 2008 by Johnm (talk | contribs)
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Niko Arcanian, played by User:Johnm in a ~2005 D&D campaign, is a hulking warrior who grew up on the streets of Nottingham.

His last known whereabouts are conquering wild forests south of that great city, establishing a lumber camp in the wilderness.


Unwilling to join his father's bricklaying trade, the lad became a street urchin turned butcher's assistant, and hence began his training in the disassembly of mammals. The resilience of ligaments, the angle to split joints, the force required to snap bones, split skulls, this was his schoolroom, the cleaver his quill, flesh his parchment.

As he approached adulthood, he took an interest in improving the tools of the trade, and then met a weaponsmith with the finest alloys, largest grinding stones, and the hottest forges he'd ever seen. This new mentor taught him the unique talents required in the slaughter of men as well as beasts.

He began participating in an underground gladiator ring of warriors and quickly dominated the training sessions and live 'blood' events, suffering few injuries and fewer defeats. As he accumulated experience in the ring, he also became aware of the exotic weapons and techniques of some his foes, and became curious about the world outside the city walls.

He is motivated by the prospect of victory in mortal combat. The greater the risks, the greater the glory.

He is morally ambivalent, truly neutral, and views the suffering of innocents similarly to the wretched squeals of a pig during slaughter.

He believes in no gods, only in the cold reality of life and death. Death is an end, completely.

Magic is disconcerting to him; he fears and mistrusts it.

His material needs are very few, but he values quality weapons and tools. He can also be swayed by good food, strong drink, and saucy wenches.
