Kenzy Walton

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In HotZone 4, Amber's explosives expert.



After leaving the army, Kenzy did some time working construction, but found that this didn’t quite give her the thrill she was looking for, which is why she's joined this group.


She generally gets along with people, and has a lighthearted manner that belies her professional competence. She would say that seeing combat didn't have much of an effect on her, but her unconscious mind might disagree as she has some trouble sleeping and tends to over-indulge in the more pleasurable aspects in life to dull the pain. Smoking, eating, drinking, men, women, etc. She's particularly fond of spicy food.

When it comes to weaponry she prefers things that go boom! but she keeps up practice on her hand-to-hand combat skills just in case (and to mitigate the effects of all that eating and drinking.)