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In Into The Black II (2508), ExpertSystems is enormous consultancy headquartered on Eridani Prime and licensed by the GEA as an independent investigatory entity responsible for assessing whether materials and phenomena are likely the creations or effects of alien intelligence.

The consultancy was formed and licensed in the years following a horrible DNA-corruption tragedy in which a nano-scale curiosity discovered by researchers on the surface of a comet turned out to be a nearly indestructible virus of alien origin. The tiny machines operated on human DNA, causing the victims to lose the need for oxygen. Unknown for too long was that they were transitioning to needing argon in their lungs and brains. Hundreds suffocated. Hundreds more were euthanized.

Founded in 2470, ExpertSystems was already a large corporation when the GEA put out the request for proposals, focusing primarily on outsourced technology development and regulatory compliance. The development of a security services division occurred after the GEA contract.

Every mining or colonization or research vessel that applies to utilize the mega-portal at Searchlight to travel to unexplored space must first sign a services contract with ExpertSystems for their application to be considered.

ExpertSystems managers and technicians are required to pass rigorous tests to assess their familiarity with the million-word Alien Regulatory Framework (or "arf") as well as domain expertise such as materials technology, astrophysics, human biology, astrogation, psychology, and more.

Corporate plunderers (such as Zettacorp) have a tense relationship with ExpertSystems technicians. Colonists are more likely to appreciate their contributions and knowledge.