An Evil Upon Us

From Gurth
Revision as of 22:02, 29 August 2016 by Johnm (talk | contribs) (→‎Characters)
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Placeholder title, will rename to name of the campaign.


A fantasy/medieval setting on the planet affectionately known as Gurth.

The campaign will begin firmly in the genre of low fantasy/hard fantasy, in which magic is rare and limited, non-exotic danger lurks in every smelly alley, and reality is static (no crazy plane shifting or intergalactic travels).

Character Creation Guidelines

You are a human of any reasonable adult age. You have lived your life in the city of Talathese (or nearby) unless you spend 10 points on Unusual Background and the GM approves of that background.

Each character will be of the same total point value (potential heroes!), but this can take near-infinite different forms. Perhaps you're a witch who lives in the woods. Or a bar owner with a penchant for civic engagement. Or an exotic mercenary, looking for your next gig. Or the local teller of tall tales. You decide.

The make-up of the party will determine the flavor of the campaign.

Write up a brief physical (tall? nimble? ugly? strong? skinny? blonde?) description and background that answers at least these questions:

  1. what's your name, age, gender?
  2. What's your personality like?
  3. are you wealthy? poor? average?
  4. what's your profession?
  5. how did you get so good at it?
  6. Any important relationships? Enemies? Allies? Contacts? Secrets? Vows?

Find a picture that represents your character.

The GM (John) will create your character sheet unless you want to tackle it, subject to these limits:

Max points: 125
Max Disadvantages: -40
Any Esoteric or Supernatural traits require approval of the GM.

You each have a free/undocumented Debt to Saul of the Priory of Luna. At some point, he did you a huge favor -- saved your reputation, your fortune, your sister, your life. If you don't define it, the GM will do so for you.


What Happened