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For the past year, talented and ambitious adventurers of every ilk have been arriving in Argyle, as word has spread of multiple wizards offering incredible bounties for successful completion of a mission, the details of which would only be divulged on a certain day. A prediction for that day, known to many, was that a celestial event would change the world forever.

The seven wizards, operating apparently independently, have been interviewing (either directly or through a proxy) and testing aspiring the brave and adventurous souls who have arrived, each wizard building out his/her "dream team" for the mysterious mission.


Character Development

You are a member of the team built by Callista Dredd, a powerful sorceress about whom little is known, for she resides in a multi-colored tower and never leaves.


You are an experienced adventurer. Alternately, or in addition, you have Overconfidence and some social skills in Merchant, Acting, etc that have gotten you through the interview process.

You should spend on Area Knowledge and Contacts if you expect to leverage either in-game.


Generally, these are 200 point characters with a up to -80 in Disadvantages, but this is layered atop the species templates. e.g., if your species template costs 20, you'll end up a 220-pt character.

You are advised to add Strong Will and/or Fearlessness.

Applicants may select from any of the following species:


For non-humans we'll use the D&D versions of the following species from here: (or the bult-in GCA Fantasy template)

  • Human
  • Elf
  • Dwarf
  • Halfling
  • Half-elf
  • Half-giant
  • Half-orc


Base wealth means you have $5,000 in equipment (or $4000 in eq and $1000 in gold/silver/platinum etc). For perspective:

  • Good steel (DR 7) on your chest and groin is $2300.
  • A two-handed sword is $900 (or $3600 for "fine" quality +1 damage)
  • A leather backpack is $100

Take one or more levels of the Wealth advantage if you need a bigger budget.


Characters may buy 1-4 levels of Magery.

The GM approves any magic items, which may or may not cost character points.

What Happened


The PCs have made their individual treks from distant lands for their own reasons, to discover the grand city of Argyle bustling not just with the commerce and industry of a thriving port city, but a city virtually overrun with overconfident adventurers, all applying with the four urban-tower-dwelling wizards to be part of their quest team.

The wizards:

  • Callista Dredd - you haven't met her yet but applied through her man, the 7' tall Maxwell -- tested with games of wit and chance, told to defend against a rabbit thrown at you, guile and endurance and dexterity, and a wand supposedly sensing your energies (causing looks of concern, dubious skepticism, mild surprise) [hires you]
  • Thoxar Efarius - he has classic wizard look, asking weird magey questions mostly.
  • Uldor Stefeus - interior of his tower is cloaked in illusion, naked models, grape vines, he is very fat and clearly wants buff warriors on his team. Pitfighter tests.
  • Groonis Palth - An ancient gnome, tests concerned mostly history questions, magical assessments, language skills

Meanwhile, for the past few weeks, the "civilian" population is responding to the prophecy of the "Skyfire" in various extreme ways. One sect commits mass suicide on as the sun darkens. There is wailing in the street. A mass strike among several industries. Government crackdowns, hoarding, and rationing.


Jotur, half-giant
Talon, elf
Waldo Waggins, halfling

Shortly after the astonishing 15-minute "Skyfire" celestial event, colors of the world return to normal and the individual PCs receive notification that they have been selected for the team assembled by Callista Dredd.

In a stone antechamber on the ground floor of Callista's castle, the party becomes acquainted, and the dwarf and halfling even play a few hands of cards.

Eventually, Maxwell invites the team up to Callista's laboratory, where she explains some history, and her methods and conclusions. Long ago, an arch-mage called Vanalos, doubting his immortality, stashed his most precious artifacts in catacombs and keeps and caves, and then obscured and guarded them with his powerful incantations. But he also left himself magical "back doors" to some, including the Medallion of Wondrous Excellence, and this has been Callista's topic of research for the past ten years. And she warns: others, with more nefarious intentions, are also on the hunt.

Callista provides a portal to Lord Carfiliot's ranch, some miles northeast, where transport will be provided to the Gaian Coven, in Wildwood. The Lord's horses are remarkable: fine, jet-black specimens, who choose their riders, require no bridles, and mind-send simple communications. The Lord declares that Glinda Riddick, his neice, leads the Coven, and will recognize the horses.

Twelve exhilarating hours later, the party has reached the edge of Wildwood, where the horses detect a "two-legs" and stop. After an initial tension, soon the party is dining on roasted rabbit with Virion, an elfin trapper, who warns that males are not welcome in the Coven, and that molestation by crows is likely if you get too close. Before he goes, Waldo relieves him of a few rabbit pelts in a game of chance, and Talon pledges to put in a good word for him on his next visit to Silverdale (Elven Lands).

The party rides on and soon encounters the crow molestation. Dozens perch on branches surrounding the group, cawing relentlessly. They know they are getting close.

After a tense confrontation with the Coven's welcoming committee, Glinda Riddick is summoned, and upon hearing Talon and Jotur's polite greetings, and seeing the horses, she invites the team into the Coven. This broad natural area is home to scores of women and girls of various ages, and Glinda invites the party to sit with and explain their goals. The truth is told, and after a moment of consideration, Glinda pledges to convene her sages that night to learn which of her maidens might be "the one". But first, she says, "You'll need to do something for me."

The party is dispatched to deal with a troll that, she says, has been wandering an ever-growing circle and will soon cross paths with her hunters and gatherers.

A few miles away, they spot their quarry -- but there are in fact three of the foul creatures. DubDub slinks away to plan a sneak attack, Jotur begins casting a spell, and Talon and Verkan charge in. Talon alone rides his horse towards the creatures, despite Lord Carfiliot's warning to keep the horses safe. At the last minute, he commands his mount to stop short, catapulting the elf directly at his target where he plunges his sword through the beast's rubbery body. He then commences hacking off its head and limbs.

Verkan catches up and swings his axe several times, slicing through the air, but that is all. After being ripped by claws, he eventually connects.

Jotur's spell trips up the third troll for a few seconds, allowing the giant to advance and attack, and DubDub's throwing knife whistles through the melee to sink deeply into his target's eye.

In ten seconds, the trolls are smashed and sliced to pieces, but those pieces continue to wriggle towards each other in an attempt to reassemble. Talon starts a bonfire, and the chunks are loaded in, where they hiss and smoke and melt into nothingness.

Jotur pockets a twitching troll finger as evidence, and the party begins the trek back to Glinda.

To Argyle, and the Sea

Willow Brightstar, reluctant party member

The party returns to the Gaian Coven, where curious girls apply first aid to the dwarf's torn bits, and everyone is treated to a savory vegetable stew and roasted rabbit.

Glinda Riddick offers to conduct a ceremony that will identify which girl's destiny includes this quest, and has each party member swear a Vow to keep the girl safe. They each so swear, and receive a small gift in response.

The ceremony includes mass chanting, swaying, flame spirits and giggling trees, and results in the identification of Willow as the party's new member. Reluctant, she packs her things and the team rides out at dawn.

Checking in Lord Carfiliot's ranch two days later, they eat, drink, and rest for a bit and then ride on -- the horses may approach Argyle, but not enter the walls.

When they get to the main road to Argyle, they spot a party similarly comprised to their own. Four warriors, and a child, perhaps on a similar quest to their own -- competitors. Having been on relatively good behavior for several days, Dub Dub hatches a plan to seize the child, who is evidently not being treated well.

Despite Jotur's advice to simply avoid the dangerous-looking group, the party leaves the road and descends a hillside to await Dub Dub's kidnapping mission in the shelter of a grove of oaks and maples.

At dusk, Dub Dub makes his move, slithering through the high grass like a snake, and gets within spitting distance of the group. He makes nonverbal contact with the 10-yr-old girl and attempts to sever the leash to which she's attached, but uses the wrong side of his knife in the dark, which simply pulls on the warrior Crixus' wrist.

The shirtless warrior opens his eyes wide at the surprising presence of the trickster hobbit, giving the kidnapper a moment to hurl a dagger into his eye, and release the girl.

Kidnapper and kidnapped trundle down the grass towards the camouflaged party, while Maximus and Brugar march along behind, shaking their heads at the annoyance of this disruption.

But then, Verkan Hammerchin, Talon and Jotur step out, and the approaching warriors prepare for combat. Unannounced, Verkan buries a crossbow bolt in Brugar's chest, instantly felling him, while Jotur intones an incantation that causes plants to writhe and grab at the foes.

Maximus turns and runs back up the hill, with Talon, mounted now, in pursuit. In his signature move, Talon halts the horse suddenly, somersaults thrice, and skewers his target through the vitals. He also falls, groaning, bleeding out.

Talon also encounters Denna, who, smiling, backing away, asks Talon, "What are you called?"

He replies, truthfully, to which she responds with a grin, "I'm delighted to make your acquaintance," before sneaking off into the night.

The party then leaves the injured to suffer and delivers the rescued girl to her parents' farm, where they express their gratitude with food and shelter.

In the morning, the party splits at the gates of the city, with Talon and Jotur carrying items of magical imbuement to avoid municipal magic taxes, and the dwarf and hobbit entering the city to gamble (and win) and procure a few items.

Their budget affords the services of one Damian Gray, a wild-eyed captain with a small crew of skinny scalawags and one exhausted pleasure-slave called Adonia. They sail up the coast mile to pick up the rest of the party, and then turn west into open waters before noon.

To the Isle

Adonia, slave
South coast of Sorcerers Isle

Weather is good for sailing, and the first few days on the high seas are uneventful but for Verkan's recreational brawling with the scalawag crew. Willow and Adonia bond (while she's not on duty), and Jotur spends breezy afternoons on the bow, gazing into his crystals.

Attack from Above

On the third day, while racing across large swells in a stiff breeze, an enormous white eagle begins circling the vessel. Its wing span is larger than the ship, and scalawags begin muttering and cursing this trip and its passengers.

In preparation, Jotus tethers himself to Verkan and DubDub, but Talon is intent on closer contact with the creature, and ascends the higher of the two masts.

The eagle suddenly dives towards the boat, rearing up at the last moment to deliver a wing buffet that sends men flying overboard. Captain Damian Gray sustains a head wound but remains onboard, and Talon is hurled into the sea. Verkan and DubDub are tossed over the railing by the blast, but saved from further indignity by the giant's rope.

Without a helmsman, the ship turns into the wind, sails fluttering and booms swinging to and fro.

The eagle begins plucking men from the ocean and tearing them in two. To avoid drowning, Talon wriggles out of his expensive chain hauberk and watches it sink.

Jotur, chanting and droning, deftly hauls the hobbit and dwarf aboard. Verkan immediately takes a shot at the avian attacker with his crossbow, punching a hole through its forty-foot wing. Injured, it plucks two more screaming scalawags from the heaving waves and flies off. Eventually, a dripping Talon is hauled aboard.

Jotur's incantation completes, and the ship mystically gets back on course, whereupon Jotus is free to assist the captain.

In the aftermath, with six crew members lost, the remaining scalawags demand the ship be turned around and mission aborted. Still bloody and ill-prepared to manage a mutiny, it is DubDub's dagger, Talon's sword, and Verkan's fists that put down the revolt.

Verkan's Curse

The next day, Verkan begins acting strangely, just as a lookout announces an enormous whirlpool is ahead. Getting closer despite the captain's best efforts, the party sees that the whirlpool, large enough to swallow the ship, has... teeth.

Verkan insists that the ship be allowed to enter the frothing maw and in fact seems to be considering jumping overboard to ensure that he, at least, is devoured by it.

Scalawags are further terrified and repulsed, but Jotur again summons a new wind and blows the ship to safety.

The Isle

The following day, another mutiny is put down with leadership and intimidation skills, and near sunset the party spots the granite crags of their destination. Getting closer, they see a shipwreck near the rocky shoreline (and a feathered boot that looks familiar). Above, and generally along the cliffs, are winged humanoids flitting about.


turtle gift

meditate upon me when you need a ride home (remember that jess meant to get back to the mainland)