Victor Cromwell

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Victor was a first generation American from England. Victor trained as a scout/sniper for the infantry before the war broke out. When it did, he was one of the first to apply for the Hounds of Hell.

(Night Vision/Absolute Direction/Alertness) Victor excells in scout/sniping because of his unusually high dexterity, exceptional night vision and uncanny sense of direction. He also has a slightly boosted alertness vs other Rangers.

(Language Talent) During a standard battery of testing it was determined that Victor had language apptitude far beyond any normal soldier. He was immediately pulled from training and sent into a program to learn all of the Allied/Axis languages which he did with ease.

(Bloodlust) Although it hasn't been noted by his commanders, Victor tips toward killing his enemy rather than capturing them. His comrades have probably noticed by now and may have varying reactions.

(Overconfidence/Selfless) Victor has survived this far into the war and has begun to believe he will make it. He will gladly put himself in harms way to protect a friend or innocent and trust in his abilities and that of his squad to keep him alive.

Victor has specialized in scout/sniping as well as infiltrating enemy camps or squads to eavesdrop on their conversations or read secret documents before sneaking back out to his HQ. He has been known to garrote a guard or two that got in his way.

Victor Character sheet 1.jpg