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Not a House Rule, just a summary of B354...

Swimming skill defaults to HT-4.

Roll when you first enter the water, and then every 5 minutes. Modifiers:

  • +3 if you entered the water on purpose
  • penalty of twice your encumbrance level
  • +1 if you are Overweight, +3 if Fat, +6 if Very Fat

On a failure, you inhale water, Lose 1 FP, and must roll again in 5 seconds!

Removing Armor: After 1 successful Swimming roll, you can roll vs DX to remove one item -- at -4 for shields, helmets, and torso armor. A failed roll means you inhale water as above.

At 0 FP, Will roll every second or fall unconscious. Then Suffocate (B436) and certain death 4 minutes later.

Fatigue Cost: Fast swimming requires HT or Swimming roll once per minute, failure costs 1FP. Slow swimming or treading water requires a check every 30 minutes.

Lifesaving: Roll vs Swimming-5, plus or minus the difference in ST. GM can give a bonus if players have a good idea. Failure results in inhaled water, critical failure costs 6FP (B355).