Rocky Rhoades

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From the HotZone campaign:

Bill “Rocky” Rhoades, ex USMC Force Recon, age 40, 5'9”, 200lbs, deeply tanned, thick-necked, musclebound, wearing filthy sleeveless black tshirt, skull & crossbones “USMC: Mess with the Best, Die like the Rest”, filthy desert-camo cargo pants, brown desert boots, big green-mirrored wraparound sunglasses. Low slung hip holster with .50 Desert Eagle, also huge 12” USMC Desert Fighting Knife:

After a tour in Afghanistan as a USMC assassin, became a freelance mercenary in various African civil wars. Now is an arms supplier, trainer, consultant to Mugabe. Mugabe gives him girls and rum and cash and diesel.

Rocky works his network of African gun runners to keep Mugabe equipped. He keeps a vehicle and cache of weapons, ammo, food, water, and fuel buried beneath a grenade-booby-trapped, camouflaged canvas tarp.