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Bugger off.
Jeni's magical amulet

Jeni is a character played by Niki in Dragonslayers


Full Name: Jeni
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: brunette
Eyes: hazel
Skin: white
Age: 17
Religion: n/a
Language: Common tongue
Origin: Saffron Stop
Race: ?
Appearance: beautiful


17 year old barmaid from Saffron Stop, only daughter of widowed barkeeper and owner, Brutus.


  • Blowpipe
  • Body Language
  • Brawling
  • Carousing
  • Wrestling

Advantages, Disadvantages, and Perks

  • Animal Friend
  • Appearance (Beautiful)
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Alcohol Tolerance
  • Curious
  • Mundane Background
  • Odious Personal Habit (swears like a sailor)
  • Phobia of Reptiles
  • Social Stigma
  • Weirdness Magnet
  • Proud

Recent History

Jeni began her quest with a couple- a strange Asian man and a very pitiable girl. Her harsh behaviors and loose morals quickly frustrated the man. Despite being chosen by Wu Sau as some kind of gifted individual, Jeni had no interest in joining the crazy group, and Wu Sau, seeing no other way, found Jeni bathing in her home, knocked her unconscious, and kidnapped her.

After days of traveling and picking up a few more "chosen ones", the group settled in Cormire to get supplies and prepare for a big trek. After a life-altering event at the local spring, the Dragonslayers were born and prepared to hunt down a formidable beast, over 1000 miles away. Lily, the Dragonslayer, led the team as they headed east along the Spice Road.