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Background: Northwestern Kara-Tur ( Map #1), often referred to as Drannor, consists of seven regional dukedoms: Saint Germaine, Saint William, Saint Norbert, Luxor, Saint Cuthbert, Saint Vincent, and Nottingham. Smaller townships and villages outside the immediate area of each pay taxes to the nearest Duke, and often to more than one, allowing their allegiance to be extorted without any fuss. Four centuries ago, King Drannor united the seven dukedoms, but the central government in Nottingham disintegrated after the King's death.

Climate: Coastal regions are temperate but cool, particularly in the north, where snow is not uncommon in the winter months. Inland is cooler still, with the higher elevations of the Hills of Nimlith dropping well below freezing even in spring and fall. Precipitation is moderate, and slightly heavier in the south.

Extreme Elevations: Coastline (0'), Ozgarn Mountains (~10,000').