Saint Norbert

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One of the storied dukedoms of Drannor, the limestone walls of Saint Norbert keep its stink from polluting the surrounding countryside. Geologic, oceanographic, and civil engnieering conditions regularly stymie efforts to dispose of human and animal wastes. These unfortunate conditions are perhaps not unrelated to the fact that the city's number one export and local pastime is hard liquor and other intoxicants.

The office of the Duke is held by Alfonse Diamatto.

GM notes from Warlocks about the city:

Kiri, a Mord Sith Commander

The city of St Norbert, surrounded by rolling green farm and ranchland, and further, a bowl of plateau surrounding on 3 sides. sheep and goats and wheat and barley and corn, peaceful farm houses, babbling brooks.

South road is paved for the final mile. High 40’ limestone city walls. Gates open during the day, no fee to enter. From half mile, the stink is detectable -- sewage.

The stench within is overpowering (HT-4 check every hour or suffer Nauseated (See B428), critical fail is Retching). For each additional day you stay, the HT check gets +1 easier.

Nevertheless, the city is bustling, though most of the population is drunk most of the time. Lots of rosy cheeks, scuffles, affairs, carousing.

Gray-green stone buildings, mostly 2 stories, and mossy on the north sides. Castle near center is just a broad 4-story square tower, sewage-filled moat, drawbridge.

Guards in chainmail, broadswords, gray woolen cloaks with the sign of Saint Norbert on their backs in black, and cheap tin helmets with face-guards down (adopted this as a strategy after the duke’s unseamly requests made anonymity important).

Backing up the guards are a clan of degenerate mages (many specializing in Body Control spells), and an all-female group of dual-katana-wielding mercenaries known as the Mord Sith.

Location: Map #1