After the siege of Talathese, Kojax organized the last sailor/marines into a special warfare group. At this time, the city could not field a sizeable army and it was thought that a small group of highly-trained soldiers might be able to perform operations behind enemy lines and de-moralize the enemy.
The initial Wolf brigade was organized into three squads -- each with a squad leader. All three squads reported directly to Kojax and his Lt. Cassius.
Campaign particulars
Florian - Speared through the head by a Lizardman then diced with grenade fragmentation on the Isle of Kythria in Darkness Rising. His squad was escorting a group consisting of a belly dancer, a paladin, an explosives salesman and a devoted novice mage to investigate the source of a great wave that ravaged Talathese.
Current Organization
- Cassius
- Marcus Marinus, 40s, Fit, bearded, balding, a student of Kojax, calculating, Fearless+2
- Natalia Modesta
- Agrippa, thick-limbed and dark-skinned, bearded, surly, High Pain Threshold
- Cato, tall and fair, thoughtful, strategic, Combat Reflexes
- Florian, Attractive, mixed-race, Impulsive, Bad Temper
- Hyberius
- squad member
- squad member
- squad member
- squad member
- Squad leader III
- squad member
- squad member
- squad member
- squad member
- Marcus Marinus, 40s, Fit, bearded, balding, a student of Kojax, calculating, Fearless+2