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Gareph is a 10h level druid in a nearby forest (Troll Wood). He spends his days patrolling a 20 mile square, helping to safeguard a small community of centaurs, who, while masters of the forest, are plagued by attacks from a contingent of ogres and trolls, and often have to call upon their imperfect alliance with the treants to survive.

From campaign notes:

A deep grove of tremendous oaks, mistletoe draped over their green, gold, and orange leafed limbs. Passing through an opening in a barrier of thick thorn bushes, the party emerges in a clearing speckled with sunlight. A dozen huts are here, and a tree-house 20' up in a tree near the center of the clearing. A rope ladder hangs down from it. Young centaurs frolic playfully, unconcerned with the party's entrance.

The centaur hunting party will point silently at the treehouse.

The treehouse is magically larger inside, and filtered sunlight streams in through a hatch in the ceiling. Tanned and leathery, wearing nothing but a pair of deerhide trousers, with long streaming white hair, whispy white beard, and sparkling blue eyes, is Gareph, reclined on a huge owlbear-hide rug. A mountain bluebird sits on his shoulder, and a black mink is curled up in his lap. Wooden bowls of walnuts, dried cranberries, and honeyed ants are before him, and a huge wineskin hangs on a peg nearby. A twisted wooden staff leans against the wall behind him. He'll gesture to some wooden goblets on a shelf, and then another owlbear rug near the door, and say, “Drink. Sit.”

Gareph is father to Gelf (also a druid who is trying to cultivate a seedling of the Great Tree of Llellywn.)