
From Gurth
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Ralthier was there at the beginning but got turned into a dwarf. Xane replaced him. (Jess)

Treewalker was there at the beginning but wandered off into the woods? Junge replaced him. (Brant).

Illythic - Jacob.

Sly Winkelman was an early party member, then Rasha. (John)

Feng (Alpha)

Clooney joined late. (Vandal)

Gorin the red haired, prior to be toasted by a dragon's breath TWICE, and black skinned, part of the curse placed upon the party, dwarf who was hurled at dragons of most makes and drank profusely. He joined after Clooney left. (Omega)

This was a grand epic culminating in the quest to obtain -- and destroy -- the Luma Stones before other factions did so which would cause Bad Things to happen.