Sascha Lutsenko

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In HotZone, Brant's Russian shooter.



Member of Россия Cначала (Roosiya Snachala "Russia First"), an anti-Kremlin paramilitary and political organization designed to bring about another Russian revolution to overthrow the insidious and powerful state control over all aspects of Russian life.

After orchestrating a whole-sale slaughter of government anti-riot police during a demonstration in Saint Petersburg in 2011, Sascha became known to, and was directly targeted by, the newly reformed KGB.

He escaped to Estonia, where contacts arranged for his asylum to the United States. The US government took delivery of him and began a debriefing/interrogation process. He gave the government what they wanted to hear in order to placate them. A sympathetic black program director took pity on Sascha and gave him clearance to join the program.

In exchange for Sascha's services in American black programs, he received assurances that'd he'd have the opportunity to one day return to Russia (with America's backing) when the push for revolution commenced. Sascha figured they were lying, but decided he would split anyway when the time came. He has no loyalty to the American government, and views it only as a necessary inconvenience.

Sascha's experiences have made him proficient at wire-tapping, poisoning, small explosives, sniper rifle, leadership and tactical ambush. He is prepared to give his life at any moment for the destruction of dictatorial rule.