Minas Tirith

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Minas Tirith at Dawn.jpg

In Middle Earth, Minas Tirith is the fortified capitol of Gondor. It is also known as the White City (for its white limestone walls) and the City of Kings, and is Elvish for Tower of the Guard.

Built against a mountain, Minis Tirith consists of seven great walls, each 100' higher than the wall before it. As you continue through each ring, the location is more secure, and represents greater wealth or nobility. The War of the Ring was hard on the city, with its gates shattered, and its walls cracked. The rebuilding process has been under way for years. Dwarves, lead by Gimli, are rebuilding the gates out of mithril, and Elves are replanting the gardens. The construction, coupled with the re-opening of trade routes, has greatly increased the economy of the area.

From the 7th level, the court can be reached. Outside is the Court of the Fountain, and the famous White Tree of Gondor. The Tower of Ecthelion rises another 300' above the court (a total of 1000' over the ground) and houses the greatest of the palantiri seeing stones, the Seeing Stone of Minas Arnor, in a secret chamber at the top of the tower. The top level also houses the King's House, Merethrond the Hall of Feasts, barracks for the Guard of the Citadel, and other buildings for guests and other workers.