Bwan Yong

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In HotZone and HotZone South of the Border, Asian martial artist played by Jess.


Bwan Yong claims to be the grandson of Korean-Japanese yakuza godfather Hisayuki Machii, who was born Chong Gwon Yong in 1923 in Korea under Japanese rule. Machii was an ambitious street hood who saw opportunity in Japan and seized it.

Bwan spent most of his youth fostering relationships with many under-bosses of the Yakuza and practicing many forms of martial arts. After his first 'mistake' and the loss of his smallest left finger, Bwan began secretly rebelling and turning his skills of stealth, deciet and combat to building his own gang and usurping control of other upstart or off-shoot Yakuza gangs. After siezing control of a relatively large portion of slum businesses including prostitution, dance parlors, a casino and 'protection' for many surrounding legit businesses, Bwan began touting his lineage and his desiny to rule the Yakuza. Such a bold claim coupled with Bwan's bloodlust drew the accute attention of bosses who were previously convinced of being too busy to deal with another upstart. Bwan's small empire was swiftly quashed and he spent a couple of years trying to regain some level of social power while constantly dodging or reversing assassination attempts. One such reversal caught the attention of Mr. Black's associates.

Bwan had tortured info out of an assassin and back-tracked it to Mi Pee Long, a mid-ranked Yakuza lieutenant. Bwan planned to off Mi in order to reduce the likelihood of a repeated assassination attempt, and maybe make an example. It happened to be the same time that one of Mr. Black's agents were sent in to abduct Mi Pee Long as he was tied to illegal arms deals being investigated by Mr. Black's shadow organization. As Bwan was following Mi Pee Long out the back-alley door of a dance-club to smear him in the alley, there was the sound of screeching tires outside and Mi Pee's body-guards got ansy. Melee and firefight broke out, mostly in the alley but also bleeding into the dance club where most patrons didn't even notice over the thumping bass in the strobes and black-lights. The episode ended with Mi Pee having a gouged eye and a cut neck, bleeding out next to 3 of his expired body guards while two others riddled the suburban with small arms fire as it raced away with Bwan laying across the hood, using the truck as cover. During a high-speed chase, Bwan slipped into the suburban and got away with the help of Black's agents. Later Yong was offered 'deal' by Mr. Black.
