Dr. Phinneas Klein

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Dr. Phinneas Klein was a mad scientist living in Wilkshire Vorschland. Working on experiments only he understands. After a run in with the party he is now dead.

Dr. Klein's Journal


It seems those academic sods at Kestel University are afraid of real progress, but I will show them. With my inherence, I have built my own lab; I will publish my own papers and become a respectable member of the scientific community with out their bloody help. Here I will journal my triumphs and failures, future generations will read this to understand my method. This will be my manifesto.



My father was an idiot. Here I was promised riches when he died, but after finally completing all I need for a lab, and eating for 4 months, there is barley enough left to keep me in cotton balls. Where did his money go? Did I really spend that much on the Arcane-Tank? The builder did say that using 100% platinum, gold and diamonds would be expensive, but I demand the best tools for my research. I feel that he bilked me. I now have another name to add to the list!



It is amazing what I can accomplish with out having to check in with colleagues or deans or ethics committees (sure that student died, but he was failing anyway)! With only having to hear my thoughts I can move at three times the speed. I should almost thank those 3 bastards for having my tenure terminated…just kidding, they will receive their comeuppance!



I had a visit today from the notorious pirate Maximillian Rufello. It really is hard to get work done with this constant stream of visitors, I mean Albert was here just over a month ago! It’s enough to drive one mad. Anyway, he said he had heard murmurs of my research (ahh, it is nice to have some renown!) and would like to commission a totem from me. Normally I would say no, as I do love science and would never sell out, but until I can turn lead to gold, I need to fund my research somehow... I sent him away with out an answer and he said he’d be in Wilkshire for a few more days, I suppose I will send a message to the McMillan acquiescing to his deal.



Townsfolk from Wilkshore stopped by today, evidently they are having a fair. They were wondering if I would like to help and mingle with others in the community. Do they have any idea who I am? I do not mingle with peasants! I do not eat pie with yokels! I am a man to not be bothered with the trivial day to day goings on nor with county fairs. In better news, I am making great progress on Rufello’s Totem. It should be done in a little over a week. I think he’ll be mighty impressed. I know I am.



I have completed the totem for Rufello. I will go into town tomorrow and sent word that he may pick up his package. The work I’ve accomplished here really is amazing.



That man is a demon! I will swear it to all who will listen. Two months I spend working on the most delicate of totems. Two months I spend working on his commission. Two months I toil for a paycheck and when I’m done, do I receive my recompense? NO! I get stabbed in the gut! I should be dead now. If it weren’t for Albert, I would have bleed to death. And I am not ready to die. I need to know more about what awaits the soul.



Enough moping, I’m healed up. I think its time to return to my work.



It is really frustrating to be so brilliant and yet shackled in this clumsy body. I have such ingenious plans, and yet, I can only stay awake for so long. I have to stop and eat. And the bathroom, how much time do I spend there. If only there were more than 24 hours in a day, then I could get something accomplished.



Albert stopped by again today. For a wretched peasant simpleton, he is actually a very interesting young man. Evidently he can speak 5 languages and has a strong grasp of magic and philosophy. However, his knowledge of science (the true philosophy) is greatly lacking. He has been stopping by more and more recently, I feel he is trying to become my apprentice. I guess none of the townsfolk will have him for some strange reason.



Taking Albert on has been an inspired idea. He always has my morning breakfast made when I arise, the test tubs are always polished to a shine and he has not once complained about cleaning the chimney. As the Klein family motto says “A clean chimney is a pathway to heaven”. Not to mention, he never speaks to me unless I speak to him first. What more can one ask for in an assistant?



A gentleman calling himself Daniel showed up today. He says he represents a secret society called The Society of Perdition, a secret that he blathered on for 2 hours about. It s always been my philosophy that if you have a secret, you keep it to yourself. This Daniel has a lot to learn. Anyway, he said that the Society has a great deal of wealth and influence and they were interested in my work and was curious if they could do anything to help. I informed him that given my recent debacle with the cur Maximillian Rufello, a new benefactor would be in order. He said that was exactly what they had in mind. He even said that I would be free to work on any project I desired, but my results would need to be shared with the Society. He promises that being a secret society; those results would not be shared with the general public. I was hesitant, but I do need the money and the figure he offered is not the kind of money you just turn down. It looks like I have a new partner in Science.



This partnership with the Society is really starting to bear some fruit. Already, my lab is stocked better than any lab at that filthy Kestel University. Any one of those mutinous professors would give his left eyeball (and possibly some other body parts) to work in such a marvelous setting.



I was scared this morning, fore when I awoke, my breakfast wasn’t yet prepared. I worried that something had happened to Albert, but no worries, he was just hung-over.



I lost another rabbit today. It’s a good thing those things pump out the babies so fast. 10/13/1859 Albert has been neglecting his duties again. I just don’t think his heart is in cleaning chimneys anymore. I suppose its time I have a sit down with him and ask him where he thinks he could best help in my research. Maybe he would enjoy the inside of the incinerator; I could even shut it off for him.



A new decade! This will finally be my decade! The 60’s will be known as the Era of Klein. School children will learn of the Klein Doctrine. College students will debate the merits of the Klein Philosophy and why all other philosophies are dumb. This will be the era where the world will learn to quake at the sound of the name Dr. Phinneas Klein! I will have my revenge!



Still on track for this to be the decade of Klein!



I had to go into town today. I really needed some unprocessed cow liver, and Albert was deathly ill (I think that potion needs a little work). You’d think I was a demon from the abyss the way the townsfolk look at me. It seems like you accidently kill half the population of a town and they never let you live it down.



Albert had a friend stop by today, this little twerp, who would not leave near fast enough, mentioned there are some ruins on the boarder of Mooreland and the Empire, near Steinman Lake. This friend of his says it’s a ruin from an ancient culture and that his father just got back from it. He says there are demons that live there, I am surrounded by idiots.



Today was a Tuesday, I always forget about Tuesdays.



It has come to my attention that Albert has taken a liking to a girl in town. I have yet to catch him, but I think he is sneaking out most nights. I allowed him to become my apprentice, under the condition of fealty, but its beginning to appear that is a condition he is unable to meet. We’ll see how much easier it is with a lock on his doors and bars on his windows… I suppose this means I will have to unlock him for him to cook me breakfast.



Today is the anniversary of my father’s death. Five years he’s been in the ground now. It’s amazing how fast the time has gone by. If he could see what I’ve accomplished since he’s been gone, he might finally be impressed with me… but he would also tremble with fear to see my awesome might!



Albert came to me today saying that he is penitent for sneaking out and requested I remove the lock from his door. I am hesitant to do so, but these past months of getting up at four in the morning so that I may unlock him to do his chores. I can acquiesce.



Men from the Society arrived today; they seem pleased with my research thus far. They delivered another load of supplies as well as a large sum of money. This truly is a great partnership.


[The first part of this entry has been destroyed by some spilled liquid]

...have such amazing insight! Their ideas are years ahead of my own research. These spirits that all non-humankin possess makes a great deal of sense. I have detected a soul-like energy outside of people, but the energy is so different that this concept of a spirit is the only way to explain it. And the concept of a pure-born soul that corrupts over time? Ingenious! Assuming these pure souls possess such power I feel they are the secret to my next breakthrough. If souls are corrupted as they live, that means there is only one place I can acquire subjects that are untainted…



I awoke today, and Albert was gone! He has pledged his service to me and has now gone missing. All of his stuff has been left behind, so I anticipate that he will return, and if he does, I will terminate our current arrangement.



Guess who returned after a 4 month absence? That’s right Albert. He claims he went off in search of more ruins like his friend found. He said that maybe it would help us further our research. OUR research? It is MINE. MY research and I will not share credit with anyone, least of all a whiney malcontent like Albert. But no worries, I have plans in store for him…. great plans.



I guess I miscalculated how much I miss having someone around to do the menial chores. But Albert will never be able to clean a chimney anymore. But he does still help me with tasks that I would otherwise be unable to accomplish.



Another Ruefello! I really do hate that rabble. The son of that damn demon came calling today. He said he was a better businessman than his father and would not treat me in a manner that his Maximillian did, but the apple never falls far from the tree.



I spoke with another “merchant” today, but they seem scared of dealing with me. It seems this Vincent really wants my business. I am really unsure if that is such a good idea.



I suppose that Vincent may not have been lying to me when he said that if I declined him that he’d see to it that no one else would provide me with such a service. As much as it turns my stomach, I need subjects; perhaps it is best to let bygones be bygones and not make the son pay for the sins of the father... especially when it seems I am the only one paying.



Ahhh, finally a new shipment today, now we can really get back to work!


[The following is written on the inside of the back cover]

  • The List
  • Dr. Klaus - Kestel University
  • Dr. Jones – Kestel University
  • Dr. Hankin – Kestel University
  • Dennis Smith – Handy Man
  • Maximillian Rufello
  • Albert Simmons (name is crossed out)
  • Margret Francis
  • Victor Gerard
  • That little boy in town… you know why.
  • Eloise Fillmore
  • Gabe Johnson
  • Vincent Rufello (name is crossed out)

Dr. Klein's Gun and Scepter

During the fight with the party, Dr. Klein fought with a gun that apparently shot an energy beam, and a scepter. As a point of clarification that will have zero impact on the future of the campaign, but may just be nice to know. The point of the scepter was that it allow Dr. Klein to keep the beast reigned in. After he was defeated and the scepter broke, the spell was lifted and the beast was able to act entirely of its own volition, thus killing Klein.