Valenti Monrovia

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Valenti Monrovia, a relatively civilized brigand who is more of a merchant/survivor than full blown pirate. In the campaigns 10 years ago, he was the lead negotiator of the truce after the organized pirates and the Talthesian navy had both sustained heavy losses – with Talathese clearly on top though. Valenti agreed – to spare his life and those of his men – to sail away to the southern islands and never approach or molest Talathees again. (Kojax of course wanted to continue the battle til every pirate was dead, but leadership at the time did not agree. Kojax lost friends in the war in battles with Valenti's forces.)

Valenti is now at the helm of a well armed and fast galleon, moving about the islands and demanding 'inspections' and 'taxes' and 'luxury duties' as if he was a legitimate authority “You're in my jurisdiction, my waters, now!”, with great success. He even outfits his men with scarlet sashes as uniforms (but other than that they have random pirate gear).

He's sarcastic, flamboyant, confident, arrogant.

In the Ur campaign, Kojax (the new Commander of Talathees) basically waived the truce and requested Valenti's aid with defense of the city.