Sultan Nesru-Aten

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From the Superheroes campaign, this was the ruler of the city of Geb. From the notes:

... a sandstone pyramidal structure, but with windows and balconies and red silken curtains blowing gently in the breeze.

Sultan Nesru-Aten (a fat mustached brown skinned man in silken finery) will have a 6' tall light-blue-skinned gorgeous black-haired female humanoid. This is a Janni (Genie) named Zarista, and wears an open chain mail vest, purple silken pantaloons. She's barefoot, and has bright red toenails and toe rings. (ring of protection from poison, ring of spell storing -- capable of storing a 2nd, 4th, and 6th level spell mage or illusionist spell, and currently contains protection from paralysis, dig, and ensnarement).

The Sultan is a money-grubbing pig, and will assume that the party is wealthy and after initial pleasantries of pineapple slices and plum wine, will try to sell some real estate (1000 acres of majestic palms and prime agricultural land, only 50,000 gold!), and even his daughter (a homely lass) for a dowry of 20,000 gold. (Zarista will roll her eyes at this.)

The Sultan will insist that “The Temple of Geb” is nothing but legend, but the party will notice Zarista and a decrepit old adviser nearby exchanging glances nervously.