Valley of Scars
Deep in Ravenwood, some ten miles north of the Black Pool.
From GM Notes (Ignoble Assets:
Valley of Scars is so named because of striations in the rock of its steep sides. It cuts through one of the highest points in ravenwood, and dozens of feeder streams cascade down into the headwaters of a creek that flows east to Luxor. The valley is lush, as the terrain encourages heavy rains. No 'city' is visible.
But within the giant ferns and 200' fir trees, there is a moss and vine-covered city, or ruins thereof. The wood structures have been reduced to mounds of dirt. Most of the stone buildings have fallen over in rubble.
But one structure stands....
It's partially buried by a centuries-old landslide, but was once a 30' high stone structure with rough-hewn stone pillars engraved with grinning faces -- not jovial, wicked looking not-quite-humans.